Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What is a ViNtaGe SouL?

If you are like me, you hold in high regard when someone rolls their eyes at you because you throw on the brakes for roadside treasures. You see the beauty in a piece that has seen better days, (or years!). You don’t want to ‘clean’ it…it’s beauty is in the dirt that rests upon your newfound treasures. You find it a compliment when someone calls you an “Old SouL” or tells you that you should’ve been born in another time. If your heart skips a beat when you’re in the local thrift store and you realize you’re the only one who knows how beautiful you can make ‘that’…..then you are in good company. Because that, my sweet friend, is a ViNtaGe SouL! I’m so glad you’ve come my way! Let’s take this JoUrNeY together, shall we?!


  1. I sooo love what you said here, how you said it, and how it relates to sooo many of us out there too! Thanks for sharing these thoughts, ways, etc...have a super weekend!:)


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